Root Takahira Agreement Significance


The agreement seemed to be a sign of a cordial relationship between the two emerging powers. But there were those who saw him as a “harassment horse” who had to measure Japanese receptivity to American interests in Asia. Critics attacked President Roosevelt, who had sacrificed Chinese interests in Manchuria and Korea in favor of improved relations with Japan. Others feared that the agreement would not include any measures to ensure China`s independence and territorial integrity. Over time, the conflicting objectives of the United States and Japan in the Pacific led to a war between the two countries. The agreement signed on 30 November 1908 consisted of an official recognition of the territorial status quo from November 1908, the reaffirmation of China`s independence and territorial integrity (i.e. the “open door policy” proposed by John Hay), the maintenance of free trade and equal opportunities, Japanese recognition of the American annexation of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the Philippines, and American recognition of Japan`s position in northeastern China. Implicitly in the agreement was the American recognition of Japanese right to annex Korea and supremacy over southern Manchuria, and Japan`s tolerance over restrictions on Japanese immigration to California. [1] The Root Takahira協 () agreement was an agreement between the United States and the Empire of Japan, negotiated between U.S. Secretary of State Elihu Root and Japanese Ambassador to the United States Takahira Kogora. It was a statement of the long-standing policy of the two nations, much like the Taft-Katsura agreement of 1905. Both agreements recognized important overseas territories controlled by each nation.

The terms of the agreement were drawn up in Washington, D.C. Foreign Minister Elihu Root and Japanese Ambassador Takahira Kogora met frequently and exchanged written notes to negotiate the terms. The final agreement confirmed a number of provisions already discussed in other “gentlemen`s agreements” between the two powers (including the Taft-Katsura Agreement of 1905). President Roosevelt thanks Ambassador Sternburg for the information on Japan. He`s glad that… President Theodore Roosevelt worked to improve diplomatic relations between the United States and the Empire of Japan. Two important steps were made in this direction thanks to his assistance in ending the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) and his willingness to visit the Great White Fleet of Tokyo (October 1908). The Root Takahira agreement (November 1908) was a third. Huntington Wilson sends bacon assistant secretary memorandums on Japanese affairs… The agreement was attributed to the fact that it diverted the growing tensions between the United States and Japan.

However, with Japan [reconciliation with Russia after 1907 and increased economic investment in Manchuria, the agreement resulted in a weakened U.S. influence on the continuation of Japanese control of China.[ 2] In the hope of avoiding a military confrontation in the Pacific, both sides pledged to maintain the “status quo” in the region.

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