

Published Illustration at Issue #31 of illywords magazine
Journey is like a gift wrapping paper, it’s full of color and lots of choices. Also you should make decision of selecting different style of wrapping papers at different moments. Once you open it up and you always find a surprise.
The concept is using gift warping paper to represent unforgettable gift from meeting different people in my whole life.As we remember people who were once an important part of our lives. We may not see these people anymore but, they will always be thought of on our journey of discovery. They will be tucked away in our minds and hearts.Relatives, old friends, teachers and mentors have aided us in our development and also helped us along this remarkable journey of existence. They created our foundation of growth and have contributed to who we are.


Our Partners : Regent Gifts 企業禮品訂製, USB禮品, 禮品(Gifts)及贈品(Premiums)